

Contact us

If you are a teenager and need advice you can discuss this topic with a professional from the East Sussex Sexual Health Service. This is a fully confidential service with clinics throughout East Sussex.

If you would like personal support with this issue you can contact us and we will help you.

You may be prescribed the contraceptive pill. It can ease period pain because it thins the womb lining and reduces the amount of prostaglandin your body releases.

A thinner womb lining means the muscles of the womb do not have to contract as much when it sheds. Your period will also be lighter.

If the contraceptive pill is not suitable for you, the contraceptive implant or the contraceptive injection are good alternatives.

The Mirena intrauterine system (IUS) can also sometimes help with painful periods.

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School Health Service

Speak to the team for more information.

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Text your school nurse on
07507 332473.

School Health virtual drop-in sessions

Apologies, our virtual drop-ins are paused at this time.

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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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