

Complex neuro-disability pathway

Children’s Integrated Therapy and Equipment Service (CITES) is part of a wider multi-agency team including tertiary centres, community paediatrics, specialist nursing, Local authority ISEND services, dietetics, education, social care and more.

We work closely with colleagues in Chailey Clinical Services, referring to specialist clinics where needed in order to jointly identify bespoke equipment. For example, this may include modification of modular seating by Chailey rehab engineers. We also work closely with Chailey before and after Botox administration in line with NICE guidelines.

What can we do for you?

Children’s therapies will work with you and your child to overcome or adapt to physical or communication difficulties that effect their everyday life. This includes:

  • postural management
  • equipment such as seating
  • eating and drinking
  • signing and visual communication
  • sensory needs
  • adaptations.

Our care cycle

Children with complex neuro-disability generally remain on our caseload over the long-term. However, the care packages we recommend will change over time depending on your child’s changing needs. This means that not all therapy disciplines will necessarily be involved all the time. However, it is easy for us to bring in another therapist if a new need arises.

Neuro-disability care cycle

Twice yearly planning meeting

  • an opportunity for therapists and parents/ carers to review and set new multi-disciplinary goals
  • an opportunity to review whether onward referral is needed such as Chailey clinic
  • an opportunity to review outcomes using Therapy Outcome Measure.

Therapy programme

  • updated at least twice a year and informed by planning meeting with parents/carers
  • multi-disciplinary where possible to allow for integrated delivery.


  • informed by the changing needs of your child
  • we will choose your child’s care package depending on their current needs for example eating and drinking, sensory or upper limb.


  • twice yearly for children under five
  • once a year for children at school
  • ideally timed to coincide with Education, Health and Care Plan annual review.

Children's Integrated Therapy Service

Speak to the team for
more information.

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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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