Sensory and motor skills

This is a multidisciplinary pathway involving Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy with a skill mix of therapists and integrated therapy assistants.

The provision within this pathway is delivered across:

  • Workshops and advice for parents and professionals
  • Individual sessions
  • Group work.

Children and young people are offered support on the Sensory/Motor Skills pathway if any of the following are their primary area of need:

  • Difficulties with fine and/or gross motor skills
  • Sensory processing difficulties that impact on motor development.

Children and young people can access this Pathway from 3 years old to 18 years old (or up to 19 if in full time education). Please visit the Accessing our service page for further information.

We aim to work in partnership with parents, with parental involvement adapted to suit age and needs. Home/school programmes and/or online training for parents and education staff will be available.

Following consultation, a child or young person on this specialist pathway will receive targeted advice and intervention by an Occupational Therapist (OT) or Physiotherapist (PT) or trained Integrated Therapies Assistants (ITAs).

Please select from one of the following pages to access training videos, further information and helpful links and resources or phone our Therapy One Point service on 0300 123 2650 to access advice and signposting and discuss whether or not a referral to our service is needed.

Make a referral

Complete our form to make a referral into our Children's Integrated Therapy Service.
This form will open on the website.

Give feedback

Have you used our services and want to give your views?

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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